Monday 14 September 2009

Life is not a competition

I am told life is not a competition. Life is to gain the experience and we shall enjoy it.

We usually act as solider, fighting for the goal--the life goal, which is no right or wrong. And the stress is coming along the whole time; we are angry with selves' mistake; criticize others; run for the time; push ourselves and persons around us. We make everyone so tired. Finally, we forget what we are up to, since we have been always looking forward; being afraid to be caught up.

The wealth and honor are not the meaning of life. What we can keep and convey to the next generation?-- Belief and experience.

To be the observer but not the fighter in the life. Make ourselves peaceful, and the same to our family and friends.

Monday 2 March 2009

The lonely life

Life is a lonely trip.

It starts alone and ends alone; it starts with nothing and ends with nothing.

Nothing will be saved or kept after the life circle, except the knowledge, experience and love.

We shall maxmize our life value by succeeding, developing, and smriting the knowledge and experience to our posterity; by loving others and teaching others how to love.