Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Mouth and Ears

Mouth and ears, all 3 are important organs in the body.

Without mouth, you can not eat- no nutrition no digest and no life. With mouth, you can talk, talk and talk.
Without ears, you can not hear birds singing, noisy neighbors. In contrast, you can hear others ideas-- some inspire you and some you hate.

If we have to choose one, better to stand your ears and shut your month. It often happens when we talk, we never listen--don't listen to yourself and to others. Try one time to listen to your own presentation, your own speech, you will find mostly what you talk will be forgotten at once; the valuable part always can be summarized in few sentences, instead of few paragraphs.

So except we have to talk-- give a training or a speech (but still try to make it shorter and shorter), we shall spend more time to listen to others. Ears and brain are working  more closely together than mouth and brain.

To be a good listener and it is benefit to your whole life.

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